> If you do not have expectations, then all is fine.
> (1) Having some kind of variable, especially in interactive mode, allows to
>>> manipulate previous results and reuse them later, without having to
>>> resort
>>> to repeated sub-queries or to retype non trivial values.
>>> Client side psql :-variables are untyped and unescaped, thus not very
>>> convenient for this purpose.
>> You can currently (ab)use user defined GUCs for this.
> How? It seems that I have missed the syntax to assign the result of a
> query to a user-defined guc, and to reuse it simply in a query.
 postgres=# select set_config('myvar.text', (select
current_timestamp::text), false);
|          set_config           |
| 2016-12-31 18:56:42.894246+01 |
(1 row)

Time: 0,448 ms
postgres=# select current_setting('myvar.text');
|        current_setting        |
| 2016-12-31 18:56:42.894246+01 |
(1 row)

> Fabien.

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