
* Alexander Korotkov ( wrote:
> Also, we need to decide who would
> be our admin this year.

I don't see anyone jumping at the bit to be the admin (it's not exactly
a fun and exciting job, after all), so, unless someone really wants it
(or someone wishs to object), I volunteer as tribute to be the admin
this year.

As such, we need to get this whole thing moving, and pretty quickly, as
Alexander noted.

The first thing we need is an "Ideas" page which includes:

- Brief descriptions of projects that can be completed in about 12 weeks.
- For each project, a list of prerequisites, description of programming
  skills needed and estimation of difficulty level.
- A list of potential mentors.

The GSoC 2016 page was a start on this.  I copied that page and updated
it to be a somewhat clearer format, but it could probably use more work.

Here's what google says about the ideas page:

The best pages include links to more detailed descriptions and related
materials for each project. They might even include actual use cases!

Keep in mind that this page is often the first view of your organization
by Google and potential student applicants. A link to your bug tracker
does not an Ideas Page make. Put your best foot forward. In addition to
a basic list, you might also consider providing links to relevant
resources for mentors and students, particular FAQ entries, the
timeline, etc. You might include a section on communication, giving
specific advice on which mailing lists, channels and emails to use and
how to use them. If your organization puts together an application
template for students, you should include that on your page as well.
Think of your Ideas Page as the GSoC portal to your organization.

Would be great for folks to review what's there, maybe provide actual
use-cases for the existing project suggestions, verify that the projects
listed are still valid and appropriate at this point, and, please:


More information about what the project definition should look like is
included here:

Before submitting it to Google, I'm going to either expand or nuke
everything under the 'core' section, so if there's something that that
you are really interested in, expand it out so we can have it properly
included in our application to Google.

Also, Google has said that they actually *like* "Umbrella" projects.  As
such, I believe we should encourage projects which are closely related
to PostgreSQL to submit projects for consideration.  I don't think "just
uses PostgreSQL" would be reasonable, but I do think something like "Add
feature XYZ to the code base to help PostgreSQL-based
organizations and community conferences" would be.

Let's make this year's PostgreSQL GSoC awesome!



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