On 2/8/17 5:54 PM, Tom Lane wrote:
Although ... actually, that may not be the bottleneck for what you're
after.  The issue here is not so much discovering a clever plan for
a union as realizing that the query could be cast as a union in the
first place.

Right; their current workaround is to manually write a UNION. That's *significantly* faster than the OR.

Maybe it'd be better to imagine this as something closer to planagg.c,
that is it knows how to apply a specific high-level optimization that
might or might not be a win, so it builds a path describing that and sees
if it looks cheaper than a path done the normal way.  The fact that
we could even build a path describing a union is something that wasn't
there before 9.6, but maybe there's enough infrastructure for that now.

It's encouraging that there's at least a template to follow there... If there is missing infrastructure, is it likely to be major? My uninformed guess would be that the pathification was the major hurdle.

There's another transform using arrays that's possible as well (see
attached example); I believe that would work regardless of uniqueness.

That doesn't look terribly promising for automated application.
And I think it's really dependent on the exact shape of the OR
clause, which is an unpleasant limitation.  Considering the amount

Not sure what you mean by shape; do you mean whether the OR conditions are rels vs Consts or Vars?

of work this will take to do at all, you'd want it to be pretty
general I think.  I'm imagining something that would look for an
OR in which each clause referenced only one rel, then if it can
identify a way to re-unique-ify the result, split into a UNION
with an arm for each rel used in the OR.  The nature of the
conditions in each OR arm don't seem to matter ... though probably
you'd have to insist on there not being volatile conditions anywhere
in the query, because they'd get evaluated too many times.

In my experience, the common use case here is a large fact table that joins to a number of dimension tables. If you can filter the large fact table down to a fairly small size, those joins don't matter much. But if a big chunk of your filter comes from the joins, you're in trouble.

UNION isn't really a great way to solve this problem because you still end up doing a full join just to run the filter, but really all that you need are the values from the dimension table(s) that you need for the filter. IOW, change

WHERE t1 IN ('a','b') OR t2 IN ('c','d')


WHERE f1 IN (1,2) OR f2 IN (3,4)

(assuming a,b,c,d maps to 1,2,3,4)

BTW, there's an important caveat here: users generally do NOT want duplicate rows from the fact table if the dimension table results aren't unique. I thought my array solution was equivalent to what the JOINs would do in that case but that's actually wrong. The array solution does provide the behavior users generally want here though. JOIN is the easiest tool to pick up for this, so it's what people gravitate to, but I suspect most users would be happier with a construct that worked like the array trick does, but was easier to accomplish.

I wonder if any other databases have come up with non-standard syntax to do this.
Jim Nasby, Data Architect, Blue Treble Consulting, Austin TX
Experts in Analytics, Data Architecture and PostgreSQL
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