På torsdag 09. mars 2017 kl. 18:09:45, skrev Robert Haas <robertmh...@gmail.com 
On Thu, Mar 9, 2017 at 11:25 AM, Rushabh Lathia
 <rushabh.lat...@gmail.com> wrote:
 > I don't see this failure with the patch. Even I forced the gather merge
 > in the above query and that just working fine.
 > Attaching patch, with the discussed changes.

I'm still getting (as of 9c2635e26f6f4e34b3b606c0fc79d0e111953a74): 
ERROR:  GatherMerge child's targetlist doesn't match GatherMerge

from this query:
EXPLAIN ANALYSE SELECT em.entity_id FROM origo_email_delivery del JOIN 
origo_email_message emON (del.message_id = em.entity_id) WHERE 1 = 1 AND 
del.owner_id =3 AND ( del.from_entity_id = 279519 OR del.from_entity_id = 3 AND 
em.entity_idIN ( SELECT ea_owner.message_id FROM origo_email_address_owner 
ea_ownerWHERE ea_owner.recipient_id = 279519 ) ) ORDER BY del.received_timestamp
Is this known or shall I provide more info/schema etc?
If I select del.entity_id, it works:
EXPLAIN ANALYSE SELECT del.entity_id FROM origo_email_delivery del JOIN 
origo_email_message emON (del.message_id = em.entity_id) WHERE 1 = 1 AND 
del.owner_id =3 AND ( del.from_entity_id = 279519 OR del.from_entity_id = 3 AND 
em.entity_idIN ( SELECT ea_owner.message_id FROM origo_email_address_owner 
ea_ownerWHERE ea_owner.recipient_id = 279519 ) ) ORDER BY del.received_timestamp
Plan is:
│ Limit  (cost=1259.72..15798.21 rows=101 width=16) (actual 
time=152.946..153.269 rows=34 loops=1) 
 │   ->  Gather Merge  (cost=1259.72..3139414.43 rows=21801 width=16) (actual 
time=152.945..153.264 rows=34 loops=1) 
 │         Workers Planned: 4 
 │         Workers Launched: 4 
 │         ->  Nested Loop  (cost=259.66..3135817.66 rows=5450 width=16) 
(actual time=95.295..137.549 rows=7 loops=5) 
 │               ->  Parallel Index Scan Backward using 
origo_email_received_idx on origo_email_delivery del  (cost=0.42..312163.56 
rows=10883 width=32) (actual time=0.175..121.434 rows=6540 loops=5)         │
 │                     Filter: ((owner_id = 3) AND ((from_entity_id = 279519) 
OR (from_entity_id = 3))) 
 │                     Rows Removed by Filter: 170355 
 │               ->  Index Only Scan using origo_email_message_pkey on 
origo_email_message em  (cost=259.24..259.45 rows=1 width=8) (actual 
time=0.002..0.002 rows=0 loops=32699)                               │
 │                     Index Cond: (entity_id = del.message_id) 
 │                     Filter: ((del.from_entity_id = 279519) OR 
((del.from_entity_id = 3) AND (hashed SubPlan 1))) 
 │                     Rows Removed by Filter: 1 
 │                     Heap Fetches: 0 
 │                     SubPlan 1 
 │                       ->  Index Scan using 
origo_email_address_owner_recipient_id_idx on origo_email_address_owner 
ea_owner  (cost=0.43..258.64 rows=69 width=8) (actual time=0.032..0.294 
rows=175 loops=5) │
 │                             Index Cond: (recipient_id = 279519) 
 │ Planning time: 1.372 ms 
 │ Execution time: 170.859 ms 

-- Andreas Joseph Krogh

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