On 13.03.2017 07:24, Nico Williams wrote:
On Thu, Mar 09, 2017 at 07:12:07PM +0100, Sven R. Kunze wrote:
 From my day-to-day work I can tell, the date(time) type is the only missing
piece of JSON to make it perfect for business applications (besides, maybe,
a "currency" type).
And a binary type.  And a chunked-string type (to avoid having to escape
strings).  And an interval type.  And...

YMMV but I tend to say that those aren't the usual types of a business application where I come from.

Answering questions like "how many" (integer), "what" (text) and "when" (date) is far more common than "give me that binary blob" at least in the domain where I work. Never had the necessity for an interval type; usually had a start and end value where the "interval" was derived from those values.

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