On Wed, Mar 15, 2017 at 10:21 PM, Emre Hasegeli <e...@hasegeli.com> wrote:
>> hasegeli=# create table r2 as select (random() * 3)::int as i from 
>> generate_series(1, 1000000);
>> SELECT 1000000
>> hasegeli=# create index on r2 using brin (i);
>> hasegeli=# analyze r2;
>> hasegeli=# explain select * from only r2 where i = 10;
>>                                      QUERY PLAN
>> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>  Gather  (cost=2867.50..9225.32 rows=1 width=4)
>>    Workers Planned: 2
>>    ->  Parallel Bitmap Heap Scan on r2  (cost=1867.50..8225.22 rows=1 
>> width=4)
>>          Recheck Cond: (i = 10)
>>          ->  Bitmap Index Scan on r2_i_idx  (cost=0.00..1867.50 rows=371082 
>> width=0)
>>                Index Cond: (i = 10)
>> (6 rows)
>> hasegeli=# select * from only r2 where i = 10;

I am able to reproduce the bug, and attached patch fixes the same.
Problem is that I am not handling TBM_EMPTY state properly.  I
remember that while reviewing the patch Robert mentioned that we might
need to handle the TBM_EMPTY and I told that since we are not handling
in non-parallel mode so we don't need to handle here as well.  But, I
was wrong.  So the problem is that if state is not TBM_HASH then it's
directly assuming TBM_ONE_PAGE which is completely wrong.  I have
fixed that and also fixed in other similar locations.

Please verify the fix.

Dilip Kumar
EnterpriseDB: http://www.enterprisedb.com

Attachment: fix_tbm_empty.patch
Description: Binary data

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