David Rowley <david.row...@2ndquadrant.com> writes:
> On 29 April 2017 at 15:39, Tom Lane <t...@sss.pgh.pa.us> wrote:
>> I'm kind of strongly tempted to apply the second patch; but it would
>> be fair to complain that reduce_unique_semijoins() is new development
>> and should wait for v11.  Opinions?

> My vote is for the non-minimal patch. Of course, I'd be voting for
> minimal patch if this was for a minor version release fix, but we're
> not even in beta yet for v10. The original patch was intended to fix
> cases like this, although I'd failed to realise this particular case.

Yeah, I thought we'd discussed doing something more or less like this
way back in that thread.

After studying the patch some more, I noticed that reduce_unique_semijoins
falsifies the assumption in innerrel_is_unique that we only probe inner
uniqueness for steadily larger relid sets.  If the semijoin LHS is more
than one relation, then it'll test inner uniqueness using that LHS, and if
the proof fails, that's knowledge that can save individual proof attempts
for the individual LHS rels later on during the join search.  So in the
attached, I've modified reduce_unique_semijoins's API a bit more to allow
the caller to override the don't-cache heuristic.

Also, this form of the patch is an incremental patch over the minimal
fix I posted yesterday.  It seems like a good idea to push it as a
separate commit, if only for future bisection purposes.

If I don't hear objections, I'll push this tomorrow sometime.

                        regards, tom lane

diff --git a/src/backend/optimizer/path/joinpath.c b/src/backend/optimizer/path/joinpath.c
index 39e2ddd..c130d2f 100644
*** a/src/backend/optimizer/path/joinpath.c
--- b/src/backend/optimizer/path/joinpath.c
*************** add_paths_to_joinrel(PlannerInfo *root,
*** 126,138 ****
  	 * We have some special cases: for JOIN_SEMI and JOIN_ANTI, it doesn't
  	 * matter since the executor can make the equivalent optimization anyway;
! 	 * we need not expend planner cycles on proofs.  For JOIN_UNIQUE_INNER, if
! 	 * the LHS covers all of the associated semijoin's min_lefthand, then it's
! 	 * appropriate to set inner_unique because the path produced by
! 	 * create_unique_path will be unique relative to the LHS.  (If we have an
! 	 * LHS that's only part of the min_lefthand, that is *not* true.)  For
! 	 * JOIN_UNIQUE_OUTER, pass JOIN_INNER to avoid letting that value escape
! 	 * this module.
  	switch (jointype)
--- 126,140 ----
  	 * We have some special cases: for JOIN_SEMI and JOIN_ANTI, it doesn't
  	 * matter since the executor can make the equivalent optimization anyway;
! 	 * we need not expend planner cycles on proofs.  For JOIN_UNIQUE_INNER, we
! 	 * must be considering a semijoin whose inner side is not provably unique
! 	 * (else reduce_unique_semijoins would've simplified it), so there's no
! 	 * point in calling innerrel_is_unique.  However, if the LHS covers all of
! 	 * the semijoin's min_lefthand, then it's appropriate to set inner_unique
! 	 * because the path produced by create_unique_path will be unique relative
! 	 * to the LHS.  (If we have an LHS that's only part of the min_lefthand,
! 	 * that is *not* true.)  For JOIN_UNIQUE_OUTER, pass JOIN_INNER to avoid
! 	 * letting that value escape this module.
  	switch (jointype)
*************** add_paths_to_joinrel(PlannerInfo *root,
*** 145,156 ****
! 			extra.inner_unique = innerrel_is_unique(root, outerrel, innerrel,
! 													JOIN_INNER, restrictlist);
! 			extra.inner_unique = innerrel_is_unique(root, outerrel, innerrel,
! 													jointype, restrictlist);
--- 147,166 ----
! 			extra.inner_unique = innerrel_is_unique(root,
! 													outerrel->relids,
! 													innerrel,
! 													JOIN_INNER,
! 													restrictlist,
! 													false);
! 			extra.inner_unique = innerrel_is_unique(root,
! 													outerrel->relids,
! 													innerrel,
! 													jointype,
! 													restrictlist,
! 													false);
diff --git a/src/backend/optimizer/plan/analyzejoins.c b/src/backend/optimizer/plan/analyzejoins.c
index 69b9be4..34317fe 100644
*** a/src/backend/optimizer/plan/analyzejoins.c
--- b/src/backend/optimizer/plan/analyzejoins.c
*************** static bool rel_is_distinct_for(PlannerI
*** 42,48 ****
  					List *clause_list);
  static Oid	distinct_col_search(int colno, List *colnos, List *opids);
  static bool is_innerrel_unique_for(PlannerInfo *root,
! 					   RelOptInfo *outerrel,
  					   RelOptInfo *innerrel,
  					   JoinType jointype,
  					   List *restrictlist);
--- 42,48 ----
  					List *clause_list);
  static Oid	distinct_col_search(int colno, List *colnos, List *opids);
  static bool is_innerrel_unique_for(PlannerInfo *root,
! 					   Relids outerrelids,
  					   RelOptInfo *innerrel,
  					   JoinType jointype,
  					   List *restrictlist);
*************** remove_rel_from_joinlist(List *joinlist,
*** 496,501 ****
--- 496,583 ----
+  * reduce_unique_semijoins
+  *		Check for semijoins that can be simplified to plain inner joins
+  *		because the inner relation is provably unique for the join clauses.
+  *
+  * Ideally this would happen during reduce_outer_joins, but we don't have
+  * enough information at that point.
+  *
+  * To perform the strength reduction when applicable, we need only delete
+  * the semijoin's SpecialJoinInfo from root->join_info_list.  (We don't
+  * bother fixing the join type attributed to it in the query jointree,
+  * since that won't be consulted again.)
+  */
+ void
+ reduce_unique_semijoins(PlannerInfo *root)
+ {
+ 	ListCell   *lc;
+ 	ListCell   *next;
+ 	/*
+ 	 * Scan the join_info_list to find semijoins.  We can't use foreach
+ 	 * because we may delete the current cell.
+ 	 */
+ 	for (lc = list_head(root->join_info_list); lc != NULL; lc = next)
+ 	{
+ 		SpecialJoinInfo *sjinfo = (SpecialJoinInfo *) lfirst(lc);
+ 		int			innerrelid;
+ 		RelOptInfo *innerrel;
+ 		Relids		joinrelids;
+ 		List	   *restrictlist;
+ 		next = lnext(lc);
+ 		/*
+ 		 * Must be a non-delaying semijoin to a single baserel, else we aren't
+ 		 * going to be able to do anything with it.  (It's probably not
+ 		 * possible for delay_upper_joins to be set on a semijoin, but we
+ 		 * might as well check.)
+ 		 */
+ 		if (sjinfo->jointype != JOIN_SEMI ||
+ 			sjinfo->delay_upper_joins)
+ 			continue;
+ 		if (!bms_get_singleton_member(sjinfo->min_righthand, &innerrelid))
+ 			continue;
+ 		innerrel = find_base_rel(root, innerrelid);
+ 		/*
+ 		 * Before we trouble to run generate_join_implied_equalities, make a
+ 		 * quick check to eliminate cases in which we will surely be unable to
+ 		 * prove uniqueness of the innerrel.
+ 		 */
+ 		if (!rel_supports_distinctness(root, innerrel))
+ 			continue;
+ 		/* Compute the relid set for the join we are considering */
+ 		joinrelids = bms_union(sjinfo->min_lefthand, sjinfo->min_righthand);
+ 		/*
+ 		 * Since we're only considering a single-rel RHS, any join clauses it
+ 		 * has must be clauses linking it to the semijoin's min_lefthand.  We
+ 		 * can also consider EC-derived join clauses.
+ 		 */
+ 		restrictlist =
+ 			list_concat(generate_join_implied_equalities(root,
+ 														 joinrelids,
+ 														 sjinfo->min_lefthand,
+ 														 innerrel),
+ 						innerrel->joininfo);
+ 		/* Test whether the innerrel is unique for those clauses. */
+ 		if (!innerrel_is_unique(root, sjinfo->min_lefthand, innerrel,
+ 								JOIN_SEMI, restrictlist, true))
+ 			continue;
+ 		/* OK, remove the SpecialJoinInfo from the list. */
+ 		root->join_info_list = list_delete_ptr(root->join_info_list, sjinfo);
+ 	}
+ }
+ /*
   * rel_supports_distinctness
   *		Could the relation possibly be proven distinct on some set of columns?
*************** distinct_col_search(int colno, List *col
*** 857,862 ****
--- 939,948 ----
   *	  Check if the innerrel provably contains at most one tuple matching any
   *	  tuple from the outerrel, based on join clauses in the 'restrictlist'.
+  * We need an actual RelOptInfo for the innerrel, but it's sufficient to
+  * identify the outerrel by its Relids.  This asymmetry supports use of this
+  * function before joinrels have been built.
+  *
   * The proof must be made based only on clauses that will be "joinquals"
   * rather than "otherquals" at execution.  For an inner join there's no
   * difference; but if the join is outer, we must ignore pushed-down quals,
*************** distinct_col_search(int colno, List *col
*** 867,879 ****
   * The actual proof is undertaken by is_innerrel_unique_for(); this function
   * is a frontend that is mainly concerned with caching the answers.
  innerrel_is_unique(PlannerInfo *root,
! 				   RelOptInfo *outerrel,
  				   RelOptInfo *innerrel,
  				   JoinType jointype,
! 				   List *restrictlist)
  	MemoryContext old_context;
  	ListCell   *lc;
--- 953,970 ----
   * The actual proof is undertaken by is_innerrel_unique_for(); this function
   * is a frontend that is mainly concerned with caching the answers.
+  * In particular, the force_cache argument allows overriding the internal
+  * heuristic about whether to cache negative answers; it should be "true"
+  * if making an inquiry that is not part of the normal bottom-up join search
+  * sequence.
  innerrel_is_unique(PlannerInfo *root,
! 				   Relids outerrelids,
  				   RelOptInfo *innerrel,
  				   JoinType jointype,
! 				   List *restrictlist,
! 				   bool force_cache)
  	MemoryContext old_context;
  	ListCell   *lc;
*************** innerrel_is_unique(PlannerInfo *root,
*** 900,906 ****
  		Relids		unique_for_rels = (Relids) lfirst(lc);
! 		if (bms_is_subset(unique_for_rels, outerrel->relids))
  			return true;		/* Success! */
--- 991,997 ----
  		Relids		unique_for_rels = (Relids) lfirst(lc);
! 		if (bms_is_subset(unique_for_rels, outerrelids))
  			return true;		/* Success! */
*************** innerrel_is_unique(PlannerInfo *root,
*** 912,923 ****
  		Relids		unique_for_rels = (Relids) lfirst(lc);
! 		if (bms_is_subset(outerrel->relids, unique_for_rels))
  			return false;
  	/* No cached information, so try to make the proof. */
! 	if (is_innerrel_unique_for(root, outerrel, innerrel,
  							   jointype, restrictlist))
--- 1003,1014 ----
  		Relids		unique_for_rels = (Relids) lfirst(lc);
! 		if (bms_is_subset(outerrelids, unique_for_rels))
  			return false;
  	/* No cached information, so try to make the proof. */
! 	if (is_innerrel_unique_for(root, outerrelids, innerrel,
  							   jointype, restrictlist))
*************** innerrel_is_unique(PlannerInfo *root,
*** 932,938 ****
  		old_context = MemoryContextSwitchTo(root->planner_cxt);
  		innerrel->unique_for_rels = lappend(innerrel->unique_for_rels,
! 											bms_copy(outerrel->relids));
  		return true;			/* Success! */
--- 1023,1029 ----
  		old_context = MemoryContextSwitchTo(root->planner_cxt);
  		innerrel->unique_for_rels = lappend(innerrel->unique_for_rels,
! 											bms_copy(outerrelids));
  		return true;			/* Success! */
*************** innerrel_is_unique(PlannerInfo *root,
*** 949,963 ****
  		 * from smaller to larger.  It is useful in GEQO mode, where the
  		 * knowledge can be carried across successive planning attempts; and
  		 * it's likely to be useful when using join-search plugins, too. Hence
! 		 * cache only when join_search_private is non-NULL.  (Yeah, that's a
! 		 * hack, but it seems reasonable.)
! 		if (root->join_search_private)
  			old_context = MemoryContextSwitchTo(root->planner_cxt);
  			innerrel->non_unique_for_rels =
! 						bms_copy(outerrel->relids));
--- 1040,1058 ----
  		 * from smaller to larger.  It is useful in GEQO mode, where the
  		 * knowledge can be carried across successive planning attempts; and
  		 * it's likely to be useful when using join-search plugins, too. Hence
! 		 * cache when join_search_private is non-NULL.  (Yeah, that's a hack,
! 		 * but it seems reasonable.)
! 		 *
! 		 * Also, allow callers to override that heuristic and force caching;
! 		 * that's useful for reduce_unique_semijoins, which calls here before
! 		 * the normal join search starts.
! 		if (force_cache || root->join_search_private)
  			old_context = MemoryContextSwitchTo(root->planner_cxt);
  			innerrel->non_unique_for_rels =
! 						bms_copy(outerrelids));
*************** innerrel_is_unique(PlannerInfo *root,
*** 972,978 ****
  static bool
  is_innerrel_unique_for(PlannerInfo *root,
! 					   RelOptInfo *outerrel,
  					   RelOptInfo *innerrel,
  					   JoinType jointype,
  					   List *restrictlist)
--- 1067,1073 ----
  static bool
  is_innerrel_unique_for(PlannerInfo *root,
! 					   Relids outerrelids,
  					   RelOptInfo *innerrel,
  					   JoinType jointype,
  					   List *restrictlist)
*************** is_innerrel_unique_for(PlannerInfo *root
*** 1007,1013 ****
  		 * Check if clause has the form "outer op inner" or "inner op outer",
  		 * and if so mark which side is inner.
! 		if (!clause_sides_match_join(restrictinfo, outerrel->relids,
  			continue;			/* no good for these input relations */
--- 1102,1108 ----
  		 * Check if clause has the form "outer op inner" or "inner op outer",
  		 * and if so mark which side is inner.
! 		if (!clause_sides_match_join(restrictinfo, outerrelids,
  			continue;			/* no good for these input relations */
diff --git a/src/backend/optimizer/plan/planmain.c b/src/backend/optimizer/plan/planmain.c
index ef0de3f..74de3b8 100644
*** a/src/backend/optimizer/plan/planmain.c
--- b/src/backend/optimizer/plan/planmain.c
*************** query_planner(PlannerInfo *root, List *t
*** 193,198 ****
--- 193,204 ----
  	joinlist = remove_useless_joins(root, joinlist);
+ 	 * Also, reduce any semijoins with unique inner rels to plain inner joins.
+ 	 * Likewise, this can't be done until now for lack of needed info.
+ 	 */
+ 	reduce_unique_semijoins(root);
+ 	/*
  	 * Now distribute "placeholders" to base rels as needed.  This has to be
  	 * done after join removal because removal could change whether a
  	 * placeholder is evaluable at a base rel.
diff --git a/src/include/optimizer/planmain.h b/src/include/optimizer/planmain.h
index 5df68a2..e773c0f 100644
*** a/src/include/optimizer/planmain.h
--- b/src/include/optimizer/planmain.h
*************** extern void match_foreign_keys_to_quals(
*** 103,113 ****
   * prototypes for plan/analyzejoins.c
  extern List *remove_useless_joins(PlannerInfo *root, List *joinlist);
  extern bool query_supports_distinctness(Query *query);
  extern bool query_is_distinct_for(Query *query, List *colnos, List *opids);
  extern bool innerrel_is_unique(PlannerInfo *root,
! 				   RelOptInfo *outerrel, RelOptInfo *innerrel,
! 				   JoinType jointype, List *restrictlist);
   * prototypes for plan/setrefs.c
--- 103,114 ----
   * prototypes for plan/analyzejoins.c
  extern List *remove_useless_joins(PlannerInfo *root, List *joinlist);
+ extern void reduce_unique_semijoins(PlannerInfo *root);
  extern bool query_supports_distinctness(Query *query);
  extern bool query_is_distinct_for(Query *query, List *colnos, List *opids);
  extern bool innerrel_is_unique(PlannerInfo *root,
! 				   Relids outerrelids, RelOptInfo *innerrel,
! 				   JoinType jointype, List *restrictlist, bool force_cache);
   * prototypes for plan/setrefs.c
diff --git a/src/test/regress/expected/join.out b/src/test/regress/expected/join.out
index 87ff365..d08b1e1 100644
*** a/src/test/regress/expected/join.out
--- b/src/test/regress/expected/join.out
*************** where exists (select 1 from tenk1 t3
*** 5663,5665 ****
--- 5663,5693 ----
           Index Cond: (t2.hundred = t3.tenthous)
  (18 rows)
+ -- ... unless it actually is unique
+ create table j3 as select unique1, tenthous from onek;
+ vacuum analyze j3;
+ create unique index on j3(unique1, tenthous);
+ explain (verbose, costs off)
+ select t1.unique1, t2.hundred
+ from onek t1, tenk1 t2
+ where exists (select 1 from j3
+               where j3.unique1 = t1.unique1 and j3.tenthous = t2.hundred)
+       and t1.unique1 < 1;
+                                QUERY PLAN                               
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  Nested Loop
+    Output: t1.unique1, t2.hundred
+    ->  Nested Loop
+          Output: t1.unique1, j3.tenthous
+          ->  Index Only Scan using onek_unique1 on public.onek t1
+                Output: t1.unique1
+                Index Cond: (t1.unique1 < 1)
+          ->  Index Only Scan using j3_unique1_tenthous_idx on public.j3
+                Output: j3.unique1, j3.tenthous
+                Index Cond: (j3.unique1 = t1.unique1)
+    ->  Index Only Scan using tenk1_hundred on public.tenk1 t2
+          Output: t2.hundred
+          Index Cond: (t2.hundred = j3.tenthous)
+ (13 rows)
+ drop table j3;
diff --git a/src/test/regress/expected/updatable_views.out b/src/test/regress/expected/updatable_views.out
index aa06d1d..f6b51a5 100644
*** a/src/test/regress/expected/updatable_views.out
--- b/src/test/regress/expected/updatable_views.out
*************** EXPLAIN (costs off) UPDATE rw_view1 SET 
*** 1673,1679 ****
                             QUERY PLAN                            
   Update on base_tbl b
!    ->  Hash Semi Join
           Hash Cond: (b.a = r.a)
           ->  Seq Scan on base_tbl b
           ->  Hash
--- 1673,1679 ----
                             QUERY PLAN                            
   Update on base_tbl b
!    ->  Hash Join
           Hash Cond: (b.a = r.a)
           ->  Seq Scan on base_tbl b
           ->  Hash
diff --git a/src/test/regress/sql/join.sql b/src/test/regress/sql/join.sql
index a36e29f..c3994ea 100644
*** a/src/test/regress/sql/join.sql
--- b/src/test/regress/sql/join.sql
*************** from onek t1, tenk1 t2
*** 1864,1866 ****
--- 1864,1880 ----
  where exists (select 1 from tenk1 t3
                where t3.thousand = t1.unique1 and t3.tenthous = t2.hundred)
        and t1.unique1 < 1;
+ -- ... unless it actually is unique
+ create table j3 as select unique1, tenthous from onek;
+ vacuum analyze j3;
+ create unique index on j3(unique1, tenthous);
+ explain (verbose, costs off)
+ select t1.unique1, t2.hundred
+ from onek t1, tenk1 t2
+ where exists (select 1 from j3
+               where j3.unique1 = t1.unique1 and j3.tenthous = t2.hundred)
+       and t1.unique1 < 1;
+ drop table j3;
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