On 29/05/17 16:26, Erik Rijkers wrote:

On 2017-05-29 00:17, Mark Kirkwood wrote:
On 28/05/17 19:01, Mark Kirkwood wrote:

So running in cloud land now...so for no errors - will update.

The framework ran 600 tests last night, and I see 3 'NOK' results, i.e
3 failed test runs (all scale 25 and 8 pgbench clients). Given the way

Could you also give the params for the successful runs?

Scale 25, clients 90 and 64, scale 5 clients 90, 64 and 8 (i.e the defaults in the driver script).

Can you say anything about hardware? (My experience is that older, slower, 'worse' hardware makes for more fails.)

It's running in a openstack cloud (so is a libvirt guest): 4 cpus, 4 GB ram and 2 disks: one for each Postgres instance, both formatted xfs. Hmm so maybe I should run a VM on my workstation and crank the IOPS limit way down...in the meantime I'll just let it run :-)

Many thanks, by the way. I'm glad that it turns out I'm probably not doing something uniquely stupid (although I'm not glad that there seems to be a bug, and an elusive one at that)

Yeah looks like something subtle :-( Hopefully now its out in the open we'll all figure it together!



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