On 2017/07/02 20:10, Robert Haas wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 30, 2017 at 4:20 PM, Robert Haas <robertmh...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I don't think the approach of building a hash table to figure out
>> which result rels have already been created is a good one.  That too
>> feels like something that the planner should be figuring out and the
>> executor should just be implementing what the planner decided.  I
>> haven't figured out exactly how that should work yet, but it seems
>> like it ought to be doable.
> I was imagining when I wrote the above that the planner should somehow
> compute a list of relations that it has excluded so that the executor
> can skip building ResultRelInfos for exactly those relations, but on
> further study, that's not particularly easy to achieve and wouldn't
> really save anything anyway, because the list of OIDs is coming
> straight out of the partition descriptor, so it's pretty much free.
> However, I still think it would be a nifty idea if we could avoid
> needing the hash table to deduplicate.  The reason we need that is, I
> think, that expand_inherited_rtentry() is going to expand the
> inheritance hierarchy in whatever order the scan(s) of pg_inherits
> return the descendant tables, whereas the partition descriptor is
> going to put them in a canonical order.
> But that seems like it wouldn't be too hard to fix: let's have
> expand_inherited_rtentry() expand the partitioned table in the same
> order that will be used by ExecSetupPartitionTupleRouting().  That
> seems pretty easy to do - just have expand_inherited_rtentry() notice
> that it's got a partitioned table and call
> RelationGetPartitionDispatchInfo() instead of find_all_inheritors() to
> produce the list of OIDs.  Then - I think -
> ExecSetupPartitionTupleRouting() doesn't need the hash table; it can
> just scan through the return value of ExecSetupPartitionTupleRouting()
> and the list of already-created ResultRelInfo structures in parallel -
> the order must be the same, but the latter can be missing some
> elements, so it can just create the missing ones.

Interesting idea.

If we are going to do this, I think we may need to modify
RelationGetPartitionDispatchInfo() a bit or invent an alternative that
does not do as much work.  Currently, it assumes that it's only ever
called by ExecSetupPartitionTupleRouting() and hence also generates
PartitionDispatchInfo objects for partitioned child tables.  We don't need
that if called from within the planner.

Actually, it seems that RelationGetPartitionDispatchInfo() is too coupled
with its usage within the executor, because there is this comment:

         * We keep the partitioned ones open until we're done using the
         * information being collected here (for example, see
         * ExecEndModifyTable).


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