Robert Haas wrote:

> I just don't understand why you think there should be multiple
> spellings of the same bound.  Generally, canonicalization is good.
> One of my fears here is that at least some people will get confused
> and think a bound from (minvalue, 0) to (maxvalue, 10) allows any
> value for the first column and a 0-9 value for the second column which
> is wrong.
> My other fear is that, since you've not only allowed this into the
> syntax but into the catalog, this will become a source of bugs for
> years to come.  Every future patch that deals with partition bounds
> will now have to worry about testing
> unbounded-followed-by-non-unbounded.  If we're not going to put back
> those error checks completely - and I think we should - we should at
> least canonicalize what actually gets stored.

Did anything happen on this, or did we just forget it completely?

Álvaro Herrera      
PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Remote DBA, Training & Services

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