Andreas Pflug wrote:
But PostgreSQL may be better than Oracle, don't you think? In the named document,


MSSQL2000 still doesn't have row level triggers, and I doubt that 2003 has.

Right, so as you've pointed out, Postgres trigger implementation is at least in some ways more flexible than Oracle, and offers row level triggers which MSSQL doesn't even have.

All I said was that you're being too harsh by suggesting that statement level triggers don't even deserve mention. You are assuming that everyone migrating to Postgres will "miss" the MSSQL feature when lots of people (in fact, the majority) don't even use MSSQL.

I agree that having the equiv. of MSSQL's "inserted" and "deleted" pseudo tables, would be nice, but I wouldn't allow lack thereof to denigrate a useful new feature.


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