Bruce Momjian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> but I don't see how we can ignore a --no-reconnect flag --- we should
> throw an error.

We can ignore it because we don't reconnect.  I only took out the flag
because I noticed it was no longer tested anywhere after I removed the
\connect code paths.  I'm not sure if the old docs mentioned that
--no-reconnect was irrelevant when using set-session-authorization,
but that's how the code behaved.

> Also, the 7.3 manual mentions that only the super-user can restore using
> --use-set-session-authorization.  This is now the only way to create
> dumps.  Seems this is a new limitation to pg_dump that we didn't
> discuss.

No, because a non-superuser can still restore with --no-owner; which is
actually a step forward over what he could have done with a \connect script.
(Unless you think that the scenario of a non-superuser who knows
everyone's password is something pg_dump needs to cater to.)

                        regards, tom lane

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