Peter Eisentraut wrote:
> Regarding the NOTICE
> CREATE TABLE will create implicit triggers for foreign-key checks
> Does anyone care?

I don't care but is a way for a beginner to understand that behind
a foreign key there is a TRIGGER that have not a 0 cost.

> The other "helpful" notices about sequences for serial columns and indexes
> for unique constraints have some merit, because they inform the user
> objects that the user might be interested in are going to be created as a
> side effect. But there's nothing that a user can reasonably do with an
> implicit trigger for a foreign-key check. ISTM that this notice is about
> as interesting as the information that CREATE VIEW will create an implicit
> rule.

I think that this is a particular implementation of Postgres translate a
View on a Rule, am I wrong ?

BTW shall be nice have this kind of "NOTICE", that may be is better call "INTERNALS", and switchable off.

Regards Gaetano Mendola

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