Peter Eisentraut <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Regarding the NOTICE
> CREATE TABLE will create implicit triggers for foreign-key checks
> Does anyone care?

I was thinking just the other day that it seemed to be useless clutter.

> The other "helpful" notices about sequences for serial columns and indexes
> for unique constraints have some merit, because they inform the user
> objects that the user might be interested in are going to be created as a
> side effect.

More to the point, they give the names of the automatically-created
objects.  If the FK trigger creation notice included the names of the
triggers then it might have nonzero value.  But I'm not sure that people
need to care anymore about the names of the triggers, since there's no
longer much reason to manipulate those triggers.  Nowadays you'd
manipulate the FK constraint itself, instead.

I'm in favor of dropping it...

                        regards, tom lane

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