On Wed, 5 Nov 2003, Tom Lane wrote:

> Chris Bowlby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >  As you can see this is a nice, clean way to break down some datasets.
> > But, if I do:
> >  set search_path to public, test_001, test_002;
> >  I only get access to the tables in test_001 and public, the tables in
> > test_002 are not listed, and thus I do not see them on the screen while
> > doing a "\d".
> Well, sure.  They are masked by the identically named tables in
> test_001.  How else would you expect it to work?

                     List of relations
 Schema   |         Name          |   Type   |   Owner
 public   | categories            | table    | 186_pgsql
 public   | categories_rec_id_seq | sequence | 186_pgsql
 test_001 | table1                | table    | 186_pgsql
 test_002 | table1                | table    | 186_pgsql

the uniqueness, I would have thought, woudl have been schema.name, not
just name ...

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 7: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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