
>  I work with Marc Fournier, for those who don't know, and have been
> working extensively with the schemas feature for Hub.Org's new Account
> Management package. Each client's data is stored in a seperate schema
> set asside just for them (though they will never have direct access to
> it, it helps us "balance" out the data. Each schema has the same set of
> tables, with which different data is stored, depending on the client.

While this is an interesting use of Schema, it is not, IMHO, a good way to 
partition client data.    Far better to have monolithic tables with a 
"client_id" column and then construct *views* which are available in each 
schema only to that client.   Otherwise, as you've discovered, top-level 
management becomes a royal pain.

I'd be happy to discuss this further on PGSQL-SQL, which is really the 
appropriate mailing list.

-Josh Berkus
 Aglio Database Solutions
 San Francisco

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 8: explain analyze is your friend

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