On Fri, 2003-11-07 at 15:28, Andrew Dunstan wrote:
> Marc G. Fournier wrote:
> >On Fri, 7 Nov 2003, Robert Treat wrote:
> >
> >  
> >
> >>I know most people have talked about using bugzilla, but is anyone
> >>familiar with GNATS?  I'm currently rereading Open Sources and there's a
> >>paragraph or two mentioning it's use and the fact that it can be
> >>interfaced with completely by email.
> >>    
> >>
> >
> >FreeBSD uses it almost exclusively and it supports email interaction with
> >the database, but I don't think there are very many good GUI front ends
> >for it (or, at least, not that I've seen) ...
> >
> >  
> >
> No.

personal axe to grind?  I've never used it, but it's been around a long
time, allows for interaction completely through email (which is how we
do things now), has a web front end for anyone who wants to use it to
use, and as i understand it has a tcl based desktop app for folks to use
as well.  seems it's being dismissed prematurely imho.

> A few other thoughts:
> . the Samba team have apparently abandoned their own tool and moved to 
> bugzilla
> . if we used bugzilla this might give some impetus to the bugzilla 
> team's efforts to provide pg as a backend (maybe we could help with that)
> . it would seem slightly strange to me for an RDBMS project to use a bug 
> tracking system that was not RDBMS-backed

we serve far more static pages on the website than we do database driven
ones... the software we distribute is housed on fileservers and sent via
ftp, we dont expect people to store and retrieve it from a database...
our mailing lists software actually uses another db product in fact...
let's just get the right tool for the job... 

> . developers are far more likely to be familiar with bugzilla

developers are far more likely to be familiar with windows and mysql as

> . are there any active developers without web access? If not, why is 
> pure email interaction important?

for the same reason mailing lists work better than message boards...
it's just easier. i'm much more likely to read an email list the scroll
through web forms, and if i am going to respond to a bug report, i'm
much mroe likely to if i can hit "reply" and start typing than if i have
to fire up a browser to do it.

> Bugzilla is far from perfect. But it's getting better.

don't get me wrong, i like bugzilla and all, but theres no need to put
blinders on...

Robert Treat
Build A Brighter Lamp :: Linux Apache {middleware} PostgreSQL

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