Greg Stark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> At least for all the possible plans of a given query at a specific
> point in time the intention is that the cost be proportional to the
> execution time.

Why is this relevant? 

Given a cost X at a given point in time, the system needs to derive an
"expected runtime" Y, and compare Y with the actual runtime. I think
that producing Y given an arbitrary X involves so many parameters as
to be practically impossible for us to compute with any degree of

> That's a valid point. The ms/cost factor may not be constant over
> time.  However I think in the normal case this number will tend
> towards a fairly consistent value across queries and over time.

It might be true in the "normal case", but that doesn't seem very
helpful to me: in general, the mapping of plan costs to execution time
can vary wildly over time. Spewing "hints" to the log whenever the
system's workload changes, a checkpoint occurs, or the system's RAID
array hiccups doesn't sound like a useful feature to me.

> On further thought the real problem is that these numbers are only
> available when running with "explain" on. As shown recently on one
> of the lists, the cost of the repeated gettimeofday calls can be
> substantial.

That sounds more like an implementation detail than the "real problem"
to me -- I think this proposed feature has more fundamental issues.


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