Actually, in my wet dream, we stored everything in system tables. Dimensionality and SRID became parameters of the geometry, the selectivity stats lived in the system stats table (as Mark's patch should hopefully do) and the geometry_columns view just pulled everything together into one user-convenient location.

CREATE TABLE foo ( mygeom POLYGON(4326) );
CREATE TABLE bar ( mygeom MULTILINESTRING(20711, 2 ) );

I think we had this discussion before though, and the "parameterized" types, like varchar(256), were not available for extended types, like our geometries.


On Tuesday, February 3, 2004, at 12:06 PM, Tom Lane wrote:

Paul Ramsey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Oh, now I remember. The deal was not views, it was triggers.

Oh, okay. You're right, we don't do triggers on system tables. But couldn't you combine a view on the system tables with storage of additional data outside?

regards, tom lane

     Paul Ramsey
     Refractions Research
     Phone: (250) 885-0632

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