On Thu, 2004-02-05 at 14:00, Nicolai Tufar wrote:
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Dave Page [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > My SQL2K servers give me far more sleepless nights than PostgreSQL
> ever
> > did!
> You bet! I totally agree with you.
> Technicians like you, me and most people on this list
> Already know that PostgreSQL is stable and reliable.
> It is management that needs to be convinced, and for this
> we need to have PITR in feature list.
> > Regards, Dave.

As previously stated by Bruce I believe, the mindshare department needs
some work. For this, the PITR is a necessity, but also when comparing
features with other DBs that people and businesses are currently
familiar with.

Austin Gonyou <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Coremetrics, Inc.

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