Hey there everyone.

        Sorry for what seems to be a rather strange
thought but, could we change the seperator used to
distinguish 'cross-database' vs 'cross-schema' ?

        For example, i would expect the following
to work:

        CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION test_autohist() RETURNS trigger
        AS 'BEGIN
                INSERT INTO history.test2 VALUES 
(new.field1,history.test_hist.nextval(), new.field2, new.field3, new.field4, 
new.creation_id, new.creation_date, new.creation_id, new.creation_date);
            RETURN ;
            END;' LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';
        CREATE TRIGGER test_autohist_trig
        FOR EACH ROW
        EXECUTE PROCEDURE test_autohist();

        However, when i try it, as far as i can tell,
the planner parses it down, finds that the schema isnt
in the current 'search_path' and thus thinks its a cross
database call.

        I understand that it may take the planner a 
while to go through all the available schema's to then
deduce that it isnt infact a schema at all and return
the fact that 'cross-database queries are currently not
implemented', therefore, in the realm of crazy idea, 
would it be possible to change the notation to reference
another db ?

        I was thinking something along the lines of '@',
but i guess any other non-important ascii character would
make sense.

        That way, the planner could decide wether or not
to attempt a schema resolution (history.table1) or database
resolution ([EMAIL PROTECTED]).

        Please note, i am not asking for any sort of 
'make cross-database work', merely asking if some sort
of 'clarification' between cross-database and cross-schema
would be beneficial. 

        Ideas ? Comments ? 


---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 9: the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan if your
      joining column's datatypes do not match

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