Stef <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>       For example, i would expect the following
> to work:

>       CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION test_autohist() RETURNS trigger
>       AS 'BEGIN
>               INSERT INTO history.test2 VALUES 
> (new.field1,history.test_hist.nextval(), new.field2, new.field3, new.field4, 
> new.creation_id, new.creation_date, new.creation_id, new.creation_date);

Why would you expect that to work?

The problem is with this bit:
which is a cross-database function reference per the standard SQL syntax
for such things.  (If you were in the history database, it wouldn't be
cross-database, but would refer to the nextval() function in the local
test_hist schema.)

I am not sure what you meant here, but I cannot see any need to
introduce a nonstandard syntax to resolve it.

                        regards, tom lane

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