Quoting Bruce Momjian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Zeugswetter Andreas SB SD wrote:
> > My idea for platforms that don't support symlinks would be to simply
> create
> > a tblspaceoid directory inplace instead of the symlink (maybe throw a
> warning).
> > My feeling is, that using the same syntax on such platforms is important, 
> > but actual distribution is not (since they will most likely be small
> systems).
> Nice idea --- so you can create tablespaces, but can't specify a
> different location for it --- makes sense.

If this is the way it is handled then I don't guess I have any objections.  You
would end up with the files for a single database spread out, possibly over
multiple disks.  I think I would still prefer the option of using an XML file to
this, but I can also see the need to limit the platform specific code.  I guess
if I feel strongly enough about it, through the magic of Open Source I can patch
it to work the way I want.  If the way Junctions work on NTFS becomes an issue
after the port, it won't be a problem, it will be an opportunity.

Quoting Bruce Momjian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> The use of symlinks on Unix has just too many advantages to use a
> another sub-optimal solution on that platform.

And creating separate solutions for different platforms has too many
disadvantages to warrent a compile time option.  Ok, implement this and move on
to porting so that I can use it in the world I work in. :-)  

Seriously, thanks for doing all you guys do.  I will be activly evangelizing as
soon as I can get a version working standalone where I am.

Lawrence E. Smithmier, Jr.
(919) 522-9738

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