Dennis Haney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>> Exactly my point... So why ever bother creating the {b,c} node which is 
>>> legal by the above definition?
>> We don't, because there is no such join clause.
> No, but we create the equality via the implied equality mechanism...

> select * from a, b where = b.id3 and in (select c.id2 from c);

Oh, I had forgotten that your original example involved an implied
equality.  I don't see that anything is wrong though.  The join path
that will result from considering the implied equality will be like

        ((UNIQUE-ified subselect) INNER JOIN b) INNER JOIN a

which is perfectly legal and perhaps even a winner.  Once you stick a
UNIQUE on top of the IN's subselect, you can treat the IN as exactly
like a plain equality join.

[ thinks a bit... ]  Actually I guess there is a problem here: we won't
actually generate that plan, because this test is too strict:

             * If we already joined IN's RHS to any part of its LHS in
             * either input path, then this join is not constrained (the
             * necessary work was done at a lower level).
            if (bms_overlap(ininfo->lefthand, rel1->relids) &&
                bms_is_subset(ininfo->righthand, rel1->relids))
            if (bms_overlap(ininfo->lefthand, rel2->relids) &&
                bms_is_subset(ininfo->righthand, rel2->relids))

I think it should be

             * If we already joined IN's RHS to anything else in
             * either input path, then this join is not constrained (the
             * necessary work was done at a lower level).
            if (bms_is_subset(ininfo->righthand, rel1->relids) &&
                !bms_equal(ininfo->righthand, rel1->relids))
            if (bms_is_subset(ininfo->righthand, rel2->relids) &&
                !bms_equal(ininfo->righthand, rel2->relids))


                        regards, tom lane

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 9: the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan if your
      joining column's datatypes do not match

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