Alex J. Avriette wrote:

Hi, Matthew. For our uses, we found that pg_autovacuum did not behave
as expected with vacuum_threshold set to 0. For our purposes, we have
a very good idea of how many tuples need to be slurped up over a given
interval, and would like the autovacuum daemon to simply go through and
vacuum when it hits a, er, threshold.

Could you please explain this better, I don't really understand what the problem is. If you want pg_autovacuum to perform a vacuum on a table that has had exactly X updates no matter what, you can just run it with -V0 -vX (where X is the vacuum threshold) same thing can be done for analyze. Are you saying that you did this and it did not work as expected?

Having this in the postmaster would be fine by me (and in fact, I would
even suggest that it belongs there), but I really need to have more
flexibility or we are going to (read: I will be tasked with) be writing
our own.

Everyone agrees it should be in the backend eventually the questions were just if it was ready, and how or if it should change when it goes in.

Sorry for the terseness -- and I haven't had a chance to go over the
whole thread; we're moving from 7.3.2 to 7.4.2 on "the big database" this week.

No problem, but I need more information to diagnose your problem.


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