> > Also, if they have a partial index on the FK, it's not good enough!  In
> > CVS, IS NOT NULL partial indexes should be used, but in general all
> > others still won't...
> Whoa, there, partner!   Keep in mind that there are *often* reasons for using
> a partial index on an FK, or even no index at all!  The docs for pg_advisor
> need to reflect that it only catches little details the developer might
> otherwise have missed.   It's not smarter than a DBA.


That's why advices are "graded" from info to error in the current
preliminary version.

Advices that may or may not be good depending on undecidable elements
have a lower grade. For instance, most attributes should be "NOT NULL"
from a statistical point of view, but it is perfectly legitimate to
have nullable attributes mostly anywhere, so the corresponding advices
is just an "info".

Fabien Coelho - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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