Dear Josh,

> > Still dreaming.
> And still not listening, I guess.

I agree that listening is something difficult, for me as for every body.
Also, listening and talking in another language is not easy.

> You can create your own, C-like operators any time you want to.

I ***already*** did that. It does not work correctly.
Maybe because of my lack of know how:

1/ the operator precedence is not right.

   a || b && c is interpreted as (a || b) && c because new operators
   are simply left associative. I have found where I can set the
   operator precedence in pg_operator.

2/ you cannot add simply '==' for not-yet-defined types.

3/ the optimizer should need to know about AND/OR/NOT semantics.
   Also, a partial index with a AND  won't be used with "&&".

> In fact, you could launch a project on pgFoundry (as soon as it's up)
> for a package of C-like operators.

Sure. The package just need to fix the backend parser. Adding these
features is a 10 lines patch. I'm going to found a new project for a 10
lines patch...

Also, I thought - wrongly - that it might be useful to others, and
would not hurt anyone.

Definitly not a shared point of view from the answers I get!

Moreover, I noticed so many "convenient non standard" features in
postgresql that suggesting one more did not seem so stupid to me at first

> But they're not going to be included in the core distribution. We value
> the SQL standard on this project, and we're not going to include a bunch
> of non-standard operators just becuase it's convenient for some people
> to remember.

Good. I'll try to remember that.

> Please see my previous e-mail about the value of international standards
> for educators.

I read your email. I noticed that you want to educate me as an educator;-)
I partially agree with your point.

We have two words in French: "education" and "formation".

- "education" means teaching how to think right.
   so I teach "programming".
   It may be with java or pascal or c#... the syntax is not important.
   what is important is types, functions, control structures...

- "formation" means learning a specific skill.
   for this purpose, I could have "java-programming", and java details
   are really important in this course. "int and long differ, although in
   C int and long may or may not differ".

That will serve them differently.

Have a nice day,

Fabien Coelho - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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