On Mon, 12 Apr 2004, Fabien COELHO wrote:

> > Please see my previous e-mail about the value of international standards
> > for educators.
> I read your email. I noticed that you want to educate me as an educator;-)
> I partially agree with your point.
> We have two words in French: "education" and "formation".
> - "education" means teaching how to think right.
>    so I teach "programming".
>    It may be with java or pascal or c#... the syntax is not important.
>    what is important is types, functions, control structures...
> - "formation" means learning a specific skill.
>    for this purpose, I could have "java-programming", and java details
>    are really important in this course. "int and long differ, although in
>    C int and long may or may not differ".

However given that java's == and SQL = and java's && and SQL AND have
different semantics in some cases are you sure you want to teach them
something that's actually incorrect in any case.  Saying "same as java" is
not any help to your students when they run into cases where string or
date comparison with == is not the same as in java or foo.a=bar.a && <some
condition containing 1/foo.a> errors with a division by 0 when there are
no 0 values in bar.a.

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