> There are two issues here : ease-of-use for admin and basic users.
> On for former point, admin ease-of-use, A little story a few month ago.
> I succeeded in advising production people here to switch some applications
> from a mysql database, which was working perfectly, to a postgres
> database. A few weeks later, the performances were desastrous. 30 seconds
> to get an answer to a simple select on a 1500 entries tables. After
> investigation, the problems were:
>  - no vacuum, although there were daily "DELETE FROM tables;"
>    to empty all the data and reload from another source.
>  - no analyze, because the admin did not know about it.

My goal is to have pg_autovacuum integrated into the backend for 7.5.  I
don't know if it will default to being turned on or off, I'm sure that
will be a discussion, but if it is defaulted to on, then this whole
problem of having to train newbies about vacuum should just go away.


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