On Sat, May 29, 2004 at 08:25:27AM -0700, Stephan Szabo wrote:

> Also related, although START TRANSACTION (specifying isolation level or
> read onlyness as part) is currently defined to act as if set transaction
> was used, it seems really odd that the settings would leak to the outer
> translation even on a commit and that you can't specify isolation level -
> even if it's the same level - if the outer transaction has done any
> queries.

Hmm ... isolation level and read onlyness was discussed last year and I
think we had a working design.  I'll look into my archives.

> BTW: For the deferred trigger stuff, I am guessing you haven't touched
> that at all in the current patch?
> I wonder if the following would work assuming that we want deferred
> triggers to run at outer transaction end?

Ah, this seems to work.  I'll implement it and I'll let you know how it

>  I think it might be possible to do the queue deallocation for
> subtransaction abort with appropriate context work (each one gets a
> context under its parent's and on abort it's removed and on commit it's
> not until you reach the outermost?) but I haven't though about it enough.

Actually there already is such a global context and I think it's appropiate

Alvaro Herrera (<alvherre[a]dcc.uchile.cl>)
"Ninguna manada de bestias tiene una voz tan horrible como la humana" (Orual)

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