>> We should provide people with the right tools, true, but we
>> are bound by our conscience to inform them about Windows' failures.
> It must be nice to be young and still see everything as black and white
> with no shades of gray.

I wouldn't call 41 very young.

> For those who think that Windows should be
> canned, Gates should be burned at the stake, and Linux should rule the
> world, I have no problem with their opinions.  We all get to choose what
> we like and dislike.  I think that the typical Linux fan is WAY over the
> top both in seeing the advantages with rose colored glasses and turing
> opposition molehills into mountains.  But passion is good, and I like to
> see it.  If it were not for the passion of the Linux crowd, there would
> be a far less interesting competitor for MS and a far less interesting
> toolset to use with it.

Actually, I am not a wide eyed passionate Linux zealot. Like my support
for John Kerry, I gladly choose the better side of mediocrity over extream
evil, it is nothing more than pure practicality.

A diversity of platforms in the market place creates jobs, increased
security (any particular exploit does not wipe out a vast majority of
targets.), and feeds innovation and competition.

Microsoft has harmed the computing industry more than any single factor
that I can remember. I've seen a lot of it, from DEC to Wang, and
microsoft has single handedly wiped out more computing innovation in 20
years than any 10 other companies.

Stac, Go Computing, Netscape, BeOS, and the list grows for as long as you
think about it.

It isn't wide eyes passion, I've programed computers since jr high school,
on a PDP-8/e. It is what I love to do, and it is what I make my living

Some things are important in life. Spending a few extra dollars *NOT*
going to Walmart is one small thing you can do to improve the world.
Taking advantage of every LEGITIMATE opportunity to move a person or
project off Windows is one small step one can do to improve our industry.

> Maybe the thread should go to some advocacy channel at this point.


> My reason for jumping in was to show that:
> 1.  PostgreSQL will have a exponential leap in possible sites when it
> opens up to Win32 systems
> 2.  There will be huge installations on Win32 systems, like it or not.
> Some other things to keep in mind:
> 1.  The average Windows user is far, far less computer saavy than a
> Linux (or other flavor of UNIX user) and hence, there will be a big load
> of "deer in the headlights" users coming on board.

Total koolaid induced delusion. Dumb users are dumb users, "deer in the
headlights" looks come from flashing VCR clocks. Competent professionals
can handle a few twists. The switch from DOS Windows (3x,9x,ME) to XP was
just as traumatic.

> 2.  On the plus side, there are millions of good developers familiar
> with Windows.  Some of these may become involved with the PostgreSQL
> project and give added value.

Having been a Windows developer since version 1.03, with DOS and CP/M
before that, I can say with complete authority that most Windows
developers are not "good." The worst I've seen is Charles Petzold, and he
sets the bar.


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