There is bad breakage in the DROP TABLESPACE command if the only thing "in" that tablespace is the default tablespaces for a schema:

test=# create tablespace myspace location '/home/chriskl/loc';
test=# create schema myschema tablespace myspace;
test=# drop tablespace myspace;
test=# select * from pg_namespace where nspname='myschema';
 nspname  | nspowner | nsptablespace | nspacl
 myschema |        1 |         17228 |
(1 row)

test=# select * from pg_tablespace where oid=17228;
 spcname | spcowner | spclocation | spcacl
(0 rows)

test=# create table myschema.blah (a int4);
ERROR: could not create directory "/home/chriskl/local/data/pg_tblspc/17228/17227": No such file or directory

This is probably pretty nasty because it means there's no way to check if dropping a tablespace is safe :(

Maybe the only solution is if nsptablespace is invalid when creating an object in the schema, then fix it and ignore it? Or fix it when first connecting to the database?


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