On Fri, 2004-07-09 at 16:47, Alvaro Herrera wrote:
> On Fri, Jul 09, 2004 at 10:38:15AM -0500, Thomas Swan wrote:
> > visibility issue and how far do you unwind the depth of subtransactions 
> > or transactions?
> > 
> >  BEGIN
> >    BEGIN
> >      UPDATE B
> >      BEGIN
> >        UPDATE C
> What happens here is that the user will go nuts.  We will have a
> prominent entry in the docs: "using both nested transactions and
> savepoints inside a transaction can cause confusion.  We recommend you
> stick to one or the other."  Or something like that.
> (What would really happen: when ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT X is executed,
> nested transactions created after the SAVEPOINT will be closed.)
> So this is another reason why we should use COMMIT to close a nested
> transaction: it may refer to a transaction that is already closed
> because the user got confused.


Could we put two modes of operation in?
i.e. if you use SAVEPOINTs/ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT, then you're not
allowed to use nested transactions (and vice versa - so they are
mutually exclusive)...

Best Regards, Simon Riggs

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