On Wed, 14 Jul 2004, Bruce Momjian wrote:

What are you talking about?  Are you suggesting Fujitsu's features are
getting more attendtion than ARC for some political reason?  You think
nested transactions and tablespaces are just press release features?
All those features are being developed by the community under community
direction and based on community feedback/needs.  How is that different
from Afilias funding ARC?

No, the beef that Jan has, and that I also have, is that we put off the release that was schedualed for June 1st in order to get Nested Xacts into the tree ... hindsight being 20-20, we shouldn't have done that, but should have delayed Nested Xacts for 7.6 ... there *were* enough features in the tree to warrant a release, and features that ppl needed / wanted.

Do I believe there were political motivations for postponing the feature freeze? Personally ... no. And I don't believe that the Press Release (and a nice one at that) can really be counted as motivation for the postponement, since the PR was done *after* we decided to push things back a month ...

I do believe that there was some pressure from Futjitsu involved, in postponing it, since they'd rather see it in sooner then later ... *but* ... I don't really believe that the pressure is any different then there quite possibly could have been had, say, Jan been "almost finished" ARC and Affilias wanted to see that sooner rather then later ... we all want to see the feature we've either been working on, or funded, released as soon as possible ...

The big problem that I see with how this feature freeze/beta/release has gone down is that we have *alot* of big items that are/were being worked on (ARC, BGWriter, auto_vacuum, PITR, Nested Xacts), and only so much man power at the reviewer stage ... we *should* have frozen it all on June 1st, got the ready features out the door and released, and then concentrated on getting the "almost ready, but not quite" features into the next release as quickly as possible ...

Hindsight is 20-20 ... maybe next time we'll learn from it?

Marc G. Fournier           Hub.Org Networking Services (http://www.hub.org)
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]           Yahoo!: yscrappy              ICQ: 7615664

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