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Jan Wieck wrote:

| On 8/9/2004 1:19 PM, Gaetano Mendola wrote:
|> Jan Wieck wrote:
|>> On 8/9/2004 7:19 AM, Gaetano Mendola wrote:
|>>> Hi all,
|>>> I have seen the big debat about to have the delay
|>>> off or on by default.
|>>> Why not enable it by default and introduce a new
|>>> parameter to vacuum command itself ? Something like:
|>>> VACUUM .... WITH DELAY 100;
|>> It's not just one parameter to tune here. It is a set of parameters
|>> that all together need to be viewed as a whole. The slowdown will be
|>> affected by the other parameters as well, so turning the millisecond
|>> knob only is not even half of the story.
|> So the other parameter will inserted in the new sintax too, I think is
|> fundamental
|> the ability of override this values during the vacuum call:
|> VACUUM .... WITH DELAY 100 [ .... ];
| You can do it right now.
| set vacuum_cost_delay = 100;
| vacuum analyze;

| No need to panic.

No need to be smarty pants too. I know that it can be possible, after all
4 years for a dummy like I'm, are enough to understand that is possible to
change some GUC for a given connection. :-)

However I think is annoying to write:

set vacuum_cost_delay = 100;
vacuum table <big_huge>;
set vacuum_cost_delay = 0;
set <whatelse>;
vacuum table <night_table>;

or even better:

psql -c "set vacuum_cost_delay = 100; vacuum analyze;"

and what about the utility vacuumdb ?

If I remember well this is the first command that need to change
GUC in order to change behaviour, I don't think we wrote:

set vacuum_mode = full;
set vacuum_verbosity = on;

Gaetano Mendola

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