Gaetano Mendola wrote:

a1) If exist check that is a 16MB file ( the request can ~ arrive during the copy ),

I think this will fail under windows: "copy" first sets the file size and then transfers the data. I wouldn't rule out that some Unices use the same implementation.

~ a2) If the file not exist this mean that is not yet recycled and
~ is a partial file present on the partial directory,
~ check if the "alive" file is older then 2 minutes.
~ a21) If the file is older than 2 minutes I assume that
~ the master is dead:

I'd concentrate on cold failover: the user (or the OS) must call a script to cause a fail-over. The tricky thing are the various partial connection losses between master and spare: perhaps the alive file is not updated anymore due to a net split, but the master is still alive. Unless you are really careful both master and spare could run.

I think SAP DB / MaxDB supports failover - perhaps it would be interesting to check their failover scripts.


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