On K, 2004-09-01 at 01:30, Josh Berkus wrote:
> Marc,
> > Slony is not an upgrade utility, and falls short in one big case ..
> > literally .. a very large database with limited cash resources to
> > duplicate it (as far as hardware is concerned).  In small shops, or those
> > with 'free budget', Slony is perfect ... but if you are in an organization
> > where getting money is like pulling teeth, picking up a new server "just
> > to do an upgrade" can prove to be difficult ...
> Huh?    You can replicate onto the same server.    Kicks your performance in 
> the teeth but it works fine.  

The kick could be minimized if slony did drop the pk index for the time
of initial COPY (IIRC load would be an order of magnitude faster for
LOAD+CREATE INDEX than the other way round (CREATE INDEX+LOAD))

>  Heck, I did it on my laptop as a demo.


---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 8: explain analyze is your friend

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