On Fri, 2004-11-05 at 18:10, Joachim Wieland wrote:

> My first mistake was that I kept the archive_command setting and thus
> overwrote my original archive files. Maybe you should add a note that one
> should set it to another directory when recovering.

That is exactly the situation Timelines are designed to avoid. This
should not have happened. What leads you to think it has? My guess is
that it has not. If it has, its a bug.

Manual (rightly) says:
"a new timeline does not overwrite the WAL data generated by previous

If you did not follow instruction 22.3.3, step 1, then I might
understand your comment and grieve with you.

> > I would encourage you and other users to submit a documentation patch
> > yourself if you find better ways of explaining what it's for, how to
> > make it work etc..
> My question is: When I've restored up to the time t_0, how can I go on to
> restore up to another point in time, later than t_0 but before the end of my
> log files.

Thats a good question. Perhaps one for a FAQ entry.

You need to re-restore the original backup. Then specify a recovery.conf
with t_1, rather than t_0, where t_1 > t_0. This should then work
correctly. Maybe overkill, but that should work.

You shouldn't need to specify recovery_target_timeline, because the
default is to use the timeline of the original base backup.

If it does not, call us. Tell us exactly what you're doing, which backup
you are using etc,,

When exactly would
> I have to specify recovery_target_timeline?

Most of the time, never. It is needed mostly to cater for some fairly
obscure recovery situations. The default behaviour is good for most
things. The timeline concept ensures that you can always re-run a
recovery if you think you have done it incorrectly.

Best Regards, Simon Riggs

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