Christopher Kings-Lynne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I would like to beg for some sort of fix to psql's handling of COPY data 
> if the COPY fails.

> Presently you get a million lines of '\N command not recognised' and 
> various other random things because if a line of the copy fails due to 
> say a FK constraint, or even if the COPY is run in an aborted 
> transaction, it tries to execute all the stdin data as actual 
> statements.

I'd like to see a test case for this in v3 protocol.  It was definitely
a problem before that, but I thought I fixed it.

> Also, sometimes when you copy and paste SQL into a psql window, it 
> executes help on commands for each line, although it doesn't affect the 
> paste.  That is also really annoying.

Disable tab completion, or don't paste tabs.  I don't think psql can be
expected to recognize that a tab is coming from pasted input.

                        regards, tom lane

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