On Wed, Dec 01, 2004 at 10:03:40AM +0000, Simon Riggs wrote:

> Please shave 20% off everybody's aggregation queries, ugly or not.
> You'll see a lot of happy people.

When would the experimentation end, and 8.0 be finally released?
There's real development waiting only for release to happen ...

I have submitted three patches already that are pending for 8.1, and the
code keeps drifting.  There has to be a release soon.  We can't keep in
beta forever.

Also, I think we should consider using a time-based release process
instead of the unpredictable mess that it is used now.  If hard
development was done in branches and only merged when stable, we could
do this.  (This is also something that a better SCM could help us do,
though GCC is living proof that it can be done with CVS too.)

Alvaro Herrera (<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>)
"God is real, unless declared as int"

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