On December 16, 2004 12:37 pm, Tom Lane wrote:
> Darcy Buskermolen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > As per
> > http://www.pgbuildfarm.org/cgi-bin/show_log.pl?nm=herring&dt=2004-12-16%2
> >018:46:18 This combination of OS/compiler does not result in a working
> > copy.
> The failure is
>       ascii_and_mic.so: Undefined symbol "pg_mic2ascii"
> I think you are in need of the local equivalent to GNU ld's -E or
> --export-dynamic switch, ie, make sure that all global symbols within
> the backend will be available to dynamically loaded libraries.
basicly it's done via a
CC=icc LD=xild  ./configure .......

and for refrence find attached the icc -help output.
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 8: explain analyze is your friend

Darcy Buskermolen
Wavefire Technologies Corp.
ph: 250.717.0200
fx:  250.763.1759
                       Intel(R) C++ Compiler Help

usage: icc [options] file1 [file2 ...]

  where options represents zero or more compiler options

        fileN is a C/C++ source (.C .c .cc .cpp .cxx .i), assembly (.s),
            object (.o), static library (.a), or other linkable file

  Commonly used options may be placed in the icc.cfg file.

                       Compiler Option List
-O1    enable optimizations (DEFAULT)
-O2    same as -O1
-O3    enable -O2 plus more aggressive optimizations that may not improve
       performance for all programs
-O0    disable optimizations
-O     same as -O1
-Ob<n> control inline expansion:
    n=0  disables inlining
    n=1  inline functions declared with __inline, and perform C++ inlining
    n=2  inline any function, at the compiler's discretion (same as -Qip)
-falias       assume aliasing in program (DEFAULT)
-fno-alias    assume no aliasing in program
-ffnalias     assume aliasing within functions (DEFAULT)
-fno-fnalias  assume no aliasing within functions, but assume aliasing across
-nolib_inline disable inline expansion of intrinsic functions
-mp           maintain floating point precision (disables some optimizations)
-mp1          improve floating-point precision (speed impact is less than -mp)
-fp           disable using EBP as general purpose register
-prec_div     improve precision of floating-point divides (some speed impact)
-fp_port      round fp results at assignments & casts (some speed impact)
-pc32         set internal FPU precision to 24 bit significand
-pc64         set internal FPU precision to 53 bit significand
-pc80         set internal FPU precision to 64 bit significand (DEFAULT)
-rcd          rounding mode to enable fast float-to-int conversions
-tpp5  optimize for Pentium(R) processor
-tpp6  optimize for Pentium(R) Pro, Pentium(R) II and Pentium(R) III processors
-tpp7  optimize for Pentium(R) 4 processor (DEFAULT)
-mcpu=<cpu>  optimize for a specific cpu
       pentium    - optimize for Pentium(R) processor
       pentiumpro - optimize for Pentium(R) Pro, Pentium(R) II and Pentium(R)
                    III processors
       pentium4   - optimize for Pentium(R) 4 processor (DEFAULT)
-ax<codes> generate code specialized for processor extensions specified by
           <codes> while also generating generic IA-32 code.  <codes> includes
           one or more of the following characters:
    i  Pentium Pro and Pentium II processor instructions
    M  MMX(TM) instructions
    K  streaming SIMD extensions
    W  Pentium(R) 4 New Instructions
-x<codes>  generate specialized code to run exclusively on processors
           supporting the extensions indicated by <codes> as described above.
-march=<cpu>  generate code excusively for a given <cpu>
       pentiumpro - Pentium(R) Pro and Pentium(R) II processor instructions
       pentiumii  - MMX(TM)instructions
       pentiumiii - streaming SIMD extensions
       pentium4   - Pentium(R) 4 New Instructions

Advanced Performance
Enable and specify the scope of Interprocedural (IP) Optimizations:
-ip     enable single-file IP optimizations (within files)
-ipo    enable multi-file IP optimizations (between files)
-ipo_c  generate a multi-file object file (ipo_out.o)
-ipo_S  generate a multi-file assembly file (ipo_out.s)

Modify the behavior of IP:
-ip_no_inlining    disable full and partial inlining (requires -ip or -ipo)
-ip_no_pinlining   disable partial inlining (requires -ip or -ipo)
-ipo_obj           force generation of real object files (requires -ipo)

Other Advanced Performance Options:
-unroll[n]      set maximum number of times to unroll loops.  Omit n to use
                default heuristics.  Use n=0 to disable loop unroller.
-prof_dir <d>   specify directory for profiling output files (*.dyn and *.dpi)
-prof_file <f>  specify file name for profiling summary file
-prof_gen[x]    instrument program for profiling; with the x qualifier, extra
                information is gathered
-prof_use       enable use of profiling information during optimization
-qp             compile and link for function profiling with UNIX gprof tool
-p              same as -qp

-vec_report[n]  control amount of vectorizer diagnostic information:
            n=0 no diagnostic information
            n=1 indicate vectorized loops (DEFAULT)
            n=2 indicate vectorized/non-vectorized loops
            n=3 indicate vectorized/non-vectorized loops and prohibiting
                data dependence information
            n=4 indicate non-vectorized loops
            n=5 indicate non-vectorized loops and prohibiting data
                dependence information

-opt_report               generate an optimization report to stderr
-opt_report_file<file>    specify the filename for the generated report
-opt_report_level[level]  specify the level of report verbosity (min|med|max)
-opt_report_phase<name>   specify the phase that reports are generated against
-opt_report_routine<name> reports on routines containing the given name
-opt_report_help          display the optimization phases available for 

-tcheck               generate instrumentation to detect multi-threading bugs
                      (requires Intel(R) Threading Tools; cannot be used with
                      compiler alone)
-openmp               enable the compiler to generate multi-threaded code
                      based on the OpenMP directives
-openmp_profile       link with instrumented OpenMP runtime library to
                      generate OpenMP profiling information for use with the
                      OpenMP component of the VTune(TM) Performance Analyzer
-openmp_stubs         enables the user to compile OpenMP programs in
                      sequential mode.  The openmp directives are ignored and
                      a stub OpenMP library is linked (sequential)
-openmp_report{0|1|2} control the OpenMP parallelizer diagnostic level

-parallel             enable the auto-parallelizer to generate multi-threaded
                      code for loops that can be safely executed in parallel
-par_report{0|1|2|3}  control the auto-parallelizer diagnostic level
-par_threshold[n]     set threshold for the auto-parallelization of loops
                      where n is an integer from 0 to 100

-ansi_alias[-]         enable/disable(DEFAULT) use of ANSI aliasing rules in
                       optimizations; user asserts that the program adheres to
                       these rules
-complex_limited_range[-] enable/disable(DEFAULT) the use of the basic
                       algebraic expansions of some complex arithmetic
                       operations.  This can allow for some performance
                       improvement in programs which use a lot of complex
                       arithmetic at the loss of some exponent range.
Output, Debug
-c         compile to object (.o) only, do not link
-S         compile to assembly (.s) only, do not link (*I)
-use_asm   produce objects through assembler
-use_msasm Support Microsoft style assembly language insertion using MASM
           style syntax
-fcode-asm produce assembly file with optional code annotations (requires -S)
-fsource-asm produce assembly file with optional code annotations (requires -S)
-f[no]verbose-asm produce assembly file with compiler comments (DEFAULT)
           (requires -S)
-o<file>   name output file
-g         produce symbolic debug information in object file (implies -O0 when
           another optimization option is not explicitly set)
-inline_debug_info preserve the source position of inlined code instead
           of assigning the call-site source position to inlined code

C Preprocessor
-A<name>[(val)] create an assertion 'name' having value 'val'
-A-        remove all predefined macros
-C         don't strip comments
-D<name>[=<text>]  define macro
-E         preprocess to stdout
-EP        preprocess to stdout omitting #line directives
-P, -F     preprocess to file omitting #line directives
-I<dir>    add directory to include file search path
           add directory to the second include file search path (after -I)
-U<name>   remove predefined macro
-X         remove standard directories from include file search path
-H         print include file order
-M         generate makefile dependency information
-MM        similar to -M, but do not include system header files
-MG        similar to -M, but treat missing header files as generated files
-MD        preprocess and compile, generating output file containing
           dependency information ending with extension .d
-MMD       similar to -MD, but do not include system header files
-MF<file>  generate makefile dependency information in file (must specify -M
           or -MM)
-MX        generate dependency file ending with extension .o.dep containing
           information used for the Intel wb tool
-dM        output macro definitions in effect after preprocessing (use with -E)

Component Control
-Qoption,<str>,<opts>   pass options <opts> to tool specified by <str>
-Qlocation,<str>,<dir>  set <dir> as the location of tool specified by <str>
-Qinstall <dir>         set <dir> as root of compiler installation

-[no]restrict enable/disable the 'restrict' keyword for disambiguating pointers
-Xa        select extended ANSI C/C++ dialect (DEFAULT)
-Xc, -ansi select strict ANSI C/C++ conformance dialect
-c99[-]    enable(DEFAULT)/disable C99 support for C programs
-std=c99   enable C99 support for C programs 
-Kc++      compile all source or unrecognized file types as C++ source files
-fno-rtti  disable RTTI support
-[no]align analyze and reorder memory layout for variables and arrays
-Zp[n]     specify alignment constraint for structures (n=1,2,4,8,16)
-syntax    perform syntax and semantic checking only (no object file produced)
           allocate as many bytes as needed for enumerated types
           same as -syntax
           change default char type to unsigned
           change default bitfield type to unsigned

Compiler Diagnostics
-w                 disable all warnings
-w<n>              control diagnostics:
   n=0               display errors (same as -w)
   n=1               display warnings and errors (DEFAULT)
   n=2               display remarks, warnings, and errors
-wn<n>             print a maximum of n errors
-wd<L1>[,<L2>,...] disable diagnostics L1 through LN
-we<L1>[,<L2>,...] change severity of diagnostics L1 through LN to error
-ww<L1>[,<L2>,...] change severity of diagnostics L1 through LN to warning
-wr<L1>[,<L2>,...] change severity of diagnostics L1 through LN to remark
-Werror            force warnings to be reported as errors
-Wall              enable all warnings

-help         print this help message
-V            display compiler version information
-dryrun       show driver tool commands but do not execute tools
-v            show driver tool commands and execute tools
-x <type>     all source files found subsequent to -x <type> will be recognized
              as one of the following types:
    c                  - C source file
    c++                - C++ source file
    c-header           - C header file
    cpp-output         - C pre-processed file
    assembler          - assembly file
    assembler-with-cpp - assembly file that needs to be preprocessed
    none               - disable recognition, and revert to file extension
-sox[-]       enable/disable(DEFAULT) saving of compiler options and version
              in the executable
-Kpic, -KPIC  generate position independent code
-fpic, -fPIC  generate position independent code
-long_double  enable 80-bit 'long double'
-nobss_init   disable placement of zero-initialized variables in BSS (use DATA)
-0f_check     enable the patch for the Pentium 0f erratum

-L<dir>        instruct linker to search <dir> for libraries
-i_dynamic     link Intel provided libraries dynamically
               select dynamic linker other than the default
-no_cpprt      do not link in C++ runtime libraries
-nodefaultlibs do not use standard libraries when linking
-nostartfiles  do not use standard startup files when linking
-nostdlib      do not use standard libraries and startup files when linking
-static        prevents linking with shared libraries
-shared        produce a shared object
-static-libcxa link Intel libcxa C++ library statically
-shared-libcxa link Intel libcxa C++ library dynamically, overrides the default
-u <symbol>    pretend the <symbol> is undefined
-Xlinker <val> pass <val> directly to the linker for processing
-Wl,<o1>[,<o2>,...] pass options o1, o2, etc. to the linker for processing

Copyright (C) 1985-2004, Intel Corporation.  All rights reserved.

* Other brands and names are the property of their respective owners.
---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
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      subscribe-nomail command to [EMAIL PROTECTED] so that your
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