Might it be possible to contact IBM directly and ask if they will allow
usage of the patent for PostgreSQL. They've let 500 patents for open
source, maybe they'll give a write off for this as well.

There is an advantage beyond just not having to re-write the code, but
would also be sort of an IBM blessing, great PR.

I will be at "Linux World" and see if there is an IBM booth, maybe I can
get  some contact info.

I doubt they will give us something that extends to companies that sell PostgreSQL so I don't see the point.

Actually, I think that's wrong. IBM has been really gung-ho about Linux.
Of course this is an obvious movement against Microsoft domination of the
server market, but they have made some very strong open source statements
and have release about 500 patents to open source projects.

The current open source patents extend to companies that sell other
products, why not PostgreSQL as well?

There is a *LOT* of crap going on with patents, there are so many issues
and motives that is hard to keep track of why who is doing what. My bet is
that it is 50/50. It all depends if IBM wants to hurt Oracle more than it
wants to defned DB2.

Seeing up close what IBM is doing with Eclipse, I must concur with this. I would be surprised if they said no. IBM knows that making revenue from software licenses is becoming increasingly harder. My impression is that they want to become less dependent on that and instead become more services oriented. This patent was filed before they started to change direction big time. Personally, I don't think they would care about it at all now.

So IMHO, ask IBM. It can't hurt.

Thomas Hallgren

---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 7: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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