Tom Lane wrote:

Although we've dropped the idea of letting the ARC problem drive a very
short 8.1 cycle, I would still like to see us shoot for a relatively
short 8.1 cycle --- less than a year for sure.  The main reason is that
I think we'll be flushing out performance and feature issues in the
Windows port that we cannot reasonably back-patch into 8.0.*.  PITR also.
In general it seems to me that 8.1 will need to have a consolidation and
fill-in-the-blanks flavor after what we did for 8.0, and that will be
helped by a shorter devel cycle.

As a proposal: feature freeze maybe early summer (June or July), beta
maybe Aug/Sep, final as always "when it's ready" (maybe Oct/Nov with
a good tailwind).

That sounds good. I would think that lots of users probably won't use the Windows port in production until 8.1 (performance reasons, paranoia etc...) I would hate to make put such a long delay in their adoption plans.

One thing to consider while discussing the length of the cycle is what features are people planning on putting in? The 8.0 cycle had to be long due to the many huge improvements. I'm not aware of any 8.1 plans that are that ambitious, so why plan a long cycle when there are no features requiring it? Am I missing something?


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