I worked on this and created some interface for decoupling java datatypes
and their representations. In my implementation the mapping is N:N, so it
is not directly applicable to your schema, but perhaps you can use some
piece of it.
I am not ready with all default data types, but the most important types
are ready.

I can't find anything in your typemapping package that would solve this problem. I'm faced with coercing Datum instances returned by SPI_getbinval in the server into their Java correspondance where the binary representation will vary depending on how PostgreSQL is compiled.

Let's assume I have a TIMETZOID as the type. I must then use the following calls to get the time.

   TimeTzADT* tza = DatumGetTimeTzADTP(arg);
   TimeADT t = tza->time + tza->zone; /* Convert to UTC */

The catch is that depending on the setting of macro HAVE_INT64_TIMESTAMP the TimeADT will be a typedef for either an int64 or a double. In case of int64 the representation is in microsecs but if it's a double the value is seconds (with fractions of course).

If PL/Java is compiled with a different setting of this macro, it will think a double representing seconds is an int64 containing millisecs or vice versa. The solution is probably to make PL/Java insensitive to this macro and instead consult the GUC variable "integer_datetimes" and use my own variations of TimeTzADT and TimeADT.

How do PL/J address this problem?

- thomas

---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 7: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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