--On lördag, mars 26, 2005 08.16.01 -0800 Stephan Szabo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Sat, 26 Mar 2005, Palle Girgensohn wrote:
I've noticed a couple of things about using the ICU patch vs. pristine

- ORDER BY is case insensitive when using ICU. This might break the SQL
standard (?), but sure is nice :)

Err, I think if your system implements strcoll correctly 8.0.1 can do this if the chosen collation is set up that way (or at least naive tests I've done seem to imply that). Or are you speaking about C locale?

No, I doubt this.

Example: set up a cluster:
$ initdb -E LATIN1 --locale=sv_SE.ISO8859-1
$ createdb foo
$ psql foo
foo=# create table bar (val text);
foo=# insert into bar values ('aaa');
INSERT 18354409 1
foo=# insert into bar values ('BBB');
INSERT 18354412 1
foo=# select val from bar order by val;
(2 rows)

Order by is not case insensitive. It shouldn't be for any system, AFAIK. As John Hansen noted, this might be a bad thing. I'm not sure about that, though...

As for general collation of unicode, the reason for me to use ICU is that my system does not support strcoll correctly for multibyte locales, as I mentioned earlier. I also noted that even for systems that do handle strcoll correctly for unicode, ICU claims to be a couple of magnitudes faster, so this patch might be useful for other systems (read Linux) as well. See previous emails for details.


---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 8: explain analyze is your friend

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