On 2005-05-06, Christopher Kings-Lynne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hmmm ... we argued about this.  I was in favor of hiding the OIDs
>> because OIDs are not consistent after a database reload and names are.
>> I can see your point though; what do other people think?
> Well phpPgAdmin is unable to use the pg_tables view, for instance, 
> because we have no way of getting the table comment using the 
> information in that view...

If you look at the columns lists, you'll find that oids are exposed in
a number of places. In general, I didn't make a point of exposing them
everywhere, but I _did_ expose them in cases where I thought it likely
that querying by or for the oid in particular might be needed. (OIDs
are, after all, exposed quite a bit by the wire protocol and by libpq.)

Whether the balance is correct here is something I'm open to suggestions

Andrew, Supernews
http://www.supernews.com - individual and corporate NNTP services

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