[EMAIL PROTECTED] (elein) writes:
> Also, if you do not trust the newsysview team to develop good views
> (with input for hackers), how can you possibly expect every dba and tool 
> maker to access the system catalog in a consistent and accurate manner.

I never said that they couldn't develop useful views.  I do question
the assumption that they can be all things to all people.  I think the
claims being made in this thread are highly overblown.  In particular
I doubt that views that expose everything anyone might want to know
are going to be amazingly much simpler than the underlying catalogs.

So far the goals that have been presented include being complete, being
simple, and being stabler than the underlying catalogs.  I think you
can have *one* of those; probably not two and definitely not all three.
So tell us the truth about what your priorities are and which goals will
lose when there's a conflict.

I see a whole lot of NIH (Not Invented Here) syndrome --- the developers
of these views love 'em, sure, because they fit the way those developers
think.  But that doesn't prove everyone else will love 'em.

                        regards, tom lane

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