On Thu, May 12, 2005 at 05:52:43PM -0400, Robert Treat wrote:
> On Thursday 12 May 2005 01:32, Christopher Kings-Lynne wrote:
> > > FWIW, I don't see the issue as "internal vs external" at all.
> > > What's bothering me is whether these views can be considered
> > > sufficiently more stable and better designed than the physical
> > > system catalogs to justify recommending that application
> > > designers should rely on the views instead of the catalogs.
> > > That point doesn't seem to me to have been proven.  The recent
> > > arguments in favor seem to boil down to "novices will find these
> > > easier to use", which is very possibly true, but novices don't
> > > have the same needs as programs.
> >
> > As lead phpPgAdmin developer, I'm officially in favour of them.
> > The main reason being all the extra fruit they have that shows
> > database size, etc.
> >
> As non-lead phpPgAdmin developer, I'd be against using them in
> phppgadmin.  (note this doesnt mean I am against them in pgsql
> itself)

On what grounds?

> > That means we can display this meta information in phpPgAdmin and
> > not worry about having to re-implement it all.
> >
> You have to query something...  doesn't bother me to go to the
> source. 

A PostgreSQL developer has shown in this very thread that it is
extremely easy to screw up a query against those catalogs.  Maybe
you're better than he is, but that's not a reason to keep something
simpler out.

David Fetter [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://fetter.org/
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