Merlin Moncure wrote:

I tried it from that angle and could only come up with two modes:
'pgadmin on' and 'pgadmin off' (per user). If you can do better, I'd be
thrilled. I also don't want to overblow my own argument...the database
can be secured quite effectively if you know what to do. It would just
be nice to have a little flexibility.

I suppose a hardening script, internal or external to the project is a
reasonable way of addressing my security concerns, if not superior.

My approach was to remove all significant permissions (including on the catalog) from public and regrant them to a pseudopublic group, comprising designated users. The designated users would notice no difference at all, while everyone else would be able to see only what was explicitly granted to them. But there would be lots of testing and thinking to be done before releasing it into the wild :-)



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