Stephen Frost <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> Say, how are you doing on that front?

> Current status is- it now compiles with a few pieces still missing:
> [snip]

It's essential IMHO that we provide pg_shadow and pg_group as reasonably
backward-compatible views on the new pg_roles catalog.  It's not at all
negotiable that CREATE USER and CREATE GROUP have to still work in a
sane fashion --- to say otherwise is to say that we aren't going to load
pg_dumpall scripts from older PG versions, and that is a Non Starter.

(Not too many releases ago, we couldn't even say that: once upon a time
pg_dumpall tried to emit "COPY TO pg_shadow" commands :-(.  But I hope
that it's no longer necessary to handle that ...)

                        regards, tom lane

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